

Société | France




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PKvitality is an advanced bio-wearable company currently working on its innovative Skin Taste® technology. This technology will allow the analyze of key physiological markers by simply “tasting” the skin rather than analyzing blood samples.

It will be placed at the back of K’Watch, a smartwatch providing a painless and discreet Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) device.  Completely invisible to others, the diabetic patient will be able to check its level discreetly and be alerted by an on-body vibration of hypo or hyperglycemia episodes to come. K’Watch will use micro points and soft adhesive (painless and non-irritant) and enable a precise and continuous monitoring of systemic glucose level anytime and anywhere.

Using the same technology, PKvitality is also working on K’Watch Athlete, a smartwatch which will provide real-time monitoring of their lactic acid – an indicator of muscle fatigue – to significantly improve an athlete’s training and performance and on Multi analytes versions of the system.



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