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Société  |
Pologne, Poznań

Onglets principaux

À propos de votre organisation / profil

Expansio develops Big Data Chatbot, a "private ChatGPT" deployed on-premise, which learns from vast amounts of company documents and automatically fills out other documents, such as forms and surveys.


Compared to ChatGPT, our product is fully private. It is deployed on-premise. No documents / questions or answers are sent outside the company.

Compared to simply deploying an open-source model on a company’s servers, BigData Chatbot actively learns from vast amounts of internal company documents. These files come in various formats, are often highly complex (sometimes spanning hundreds of pages), and their number is unlimited. The chatbot not only answers users' questions based on this knowledge but also automatically fills in missing information in forms, questionnaires, and surveys. For example, you could upload all accounting documents to BigData Chatbot, and when the tax office requests a few forms to be completed, the AI automatically fills them out.


Expansio develops also AllAbout: a mobile application designed for large companies aimed at improving Digital Employee Experience of a blue-collar worker. It is already used by over 20 000 employees and has generated over 500 000 EUR of revenue. It is integrated with BigData Chatbot.

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Activités récentes


Expansio a mis hors ligne une levée de fond levée de fonds


Expansio a mis à jour sa levée de fonds


Expansio a publié une levée de fond levée de fonds


Expansio est désormais membre de la communauté atTRACTION.