

Connecting Deep-Tech Innovation Ecosystems | Modérée

6 membres

Onglets principaux

À propos de la communauté

The project is aimed at bridging innovation ecosystems and fostering deep-tech growth in 'modest' and 'moderate' innovation hubs. This community hosts innovative startups from Wielkopolska (Poland), Lithuania, and Andalusia, local actors and international investors.

atTRACTION is here to revolutionize the way we connect, invest, and support startups across Europe. In these regions, while incubation and acceleration programs flourish, there's often a scarcity of investors and capital. We recognize the need for trust-based relationships with potential and international investors together with local co-investors, facilitating local deal flow and regulatory guidance.

The atTRACTION project links the vibrant ecosystems of Wielkopolska, Lithuania, and Andalusia with the robust innovation hubs in Europe.  

The aim is to create a sustainable community of investment ecosystem actors involved in the growth of deep-tech companies at different levels of development, and to create thematically oriented venture capital deal flows to strengthen deep-tech innovation in Europe.


This project has received funding from the European Union, under Grant Agreement Nº101114023.


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