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Société | Portugal


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A propos de votre organisation

WATGRID offers a multi awarded solution of IoT for liquids. The unique approach is based on patent pending sensors for multiparameter liquid monitoring and on proprietary IoT platform using state of the art communication technologies and user friendly software.  This is a result of more than 8 years of R&D.

One of our product range, Winegrid® targets precision enology.

It addresses some of today winemakers’ challenges: how to optimize and control fermentation and maturation and reduce costs. The winemakers will have full overview of the winemaking process with automated reports, smart alarms and predictive analysis, while lowering OPEX costs.

Our revenue model is based on SaS + hardware with direct sales to winemakers or through distribution agreements.

We have already worldwide distribution agreements for our products, with sales for some of the most prestige winemakers of the world.

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