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Place to Plug

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A propos de votre organisation

Place to Plug is a start-up founded in 2015 offering a platform for the entire EV charging industry that connects EV (Electric Vehicle) drivers and charging stations thanks to an ecosystem of apps and services powered by blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI). With Place to Plug app and web, an EV driver can reduce its “range-anxiety” and forget about charging difficulties by finding, booking and accessing any public or private charging point with just a tap, without the need of being a direct customer of each charging point operator. On the other hand, charging stations’ owners and operators can manage their charging points thanks to Place to Plug Connect, the charging point control center providing interoperability and advanced stats and predictions using AI. Thanks to the use of blockchain and smart contracts for the transactions between the different platform players, Place to Plug will empower interoperability and sharing economy by helping users and operators to share charging stations and sell energy without trust concerns. Blockchain will also reduce costs and times of interoperability between charging points operators by removing intermediaries.

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