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A propos de votre organisation

EcoSteer is an IoT and Blockchain Start-up for Data Ownership and Monetization. Its mission is to lay the technical foundations of a new, decentralized and distributed data economy.

Thanks to the right mix of competences of its team – ICT, Legal, Business and UX/UI - EcoSteer has developed and patented its Data Ownership Platform (DOP), a technology that uses end-to-end encryption and blockchain smart contracts to decentralize data access controlputting it back into the hands of the rightful data owners, who can also be rewarded for data sharing. 

EcoSteer business model is based on the commercialization of DOP software licenses, thus enabling energy and mobility companies – the initial target sectors - to deploy their own Data Streams Marketplaces, involving customers and business partners in a data monetization cycle that is GDPR compliant by design.

EcoSteer has validated the DOP technology with Alperia SpA – its first client - and has established commercial partnerships with system integrators.

Founded in 2017 in Florence, in 2019 EcoSteer moved its headquarters to Bolzano. To date, EcoSteer received €800K from private funds (H-FARM and AlmaGrand SA) and public grants (€380K Province of Bolzano). Now it is seeking €2M for product commercialization and first phase of scale up.

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