BIEL GLASSES. We adapt the world to your eyes.

Biel Glasses

Société | Barcelona, Espagne

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

The name of our company comes from Biel, a child with low vision (LV). LV is a visual impairment 7 times more common than blindness that cannot be corrected with standard glasses, medication or conventional surgery. Patient surveys show that the most disabling effects are those that hinder mobility, leading to falls, injuries, dependence and social isolation. Our product, Biel Smartgaze, is digital smart glasses that help people with LV improve their personal autonomy, using 3D vision and AI algorithms to detect obstacles, holes, changes in the ground surface and street signs, and then mixed reality to display them in a way that users can perceive with their remaining vision. It also includes other functions such as zoom and image enhancement, among others, to facilitate reading and other daily tasks, providing a complete solution for BT. Our next version will also include 5G and Galileo positioning to provide street crossing aids and high-precision navigation accessible to people with LV.
We are starting the commercialization of the product, which has been certified as Class 1 Medical Device. We have distribution agreements in Spain and Denmark and pre-agreements for Canada and the US, and global collaboration agreement with Panasonic. 

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