
AlongRoute Data

Société | Grèce


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A propos de votre organisation

AlongRoute is an innovative solution that addresses a significant problem in the shipping industry. As the world moves towards cleaner and more sustainable practices, the shipping industry has come under increased scrutiny for its contribution to global emissions. In response, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set ambitious targets for the industry to reduce emissions by 70% by 2050.

One of the main ways that shipping companies can reduce their emissions is by optimizing their routing. Weather ship routing is a technique that has been used for many years to minimize fuel consumption and emissions. However, the accuracy of weather ship routing depends on the quality of the marine weather forecasts that are used as the basis for calculation.

Unfortunately, existing numerical forecast models cannot accurately predict the complex behavior of the ocean. This is where AlongRoute comes in. We are developing advanced AI models that can learn how the physics of the ocean works. This allows us to provide super-accurate forecasts of ocean parameters such as waves, currents, and surface winds.

By using our forecasts as an input, existing weather ship routing systems can perform up to 1.3 times better than before, leading to a significant reduction in emissions. We expect to reduce cargo ship emissions by up to 50 million tons in just the first year of our market uptake.

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Commercial piloting to showcase the great value for early adοpters

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