
3R-BioPhosphate Ltd.

Société | Hongrie


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

https://youtu.be/02tikiRUxs0      https://youtu.be/kfxhlyl2VkA   3R-BioPhosphate Ltd. (former ALSTOM Power subsidy JV) is a recycling technology-intensive company playing a leading role in zero emission pyrolysis technology development, industrial engineering, BIO-PHOSPHATE recovery and industrial production/applications. Original source and inventor of the unique “3R” Recycle-Recover-Reuse zero emission pyrolysis technology, ABC (Animal Bone Char) BIO-PHOSPHATE product developments and full industrial scale ups. The company team is well recognized international knowledge/excellence center for pyrolysis technology, recovered nutrient products/applications. Past decade the European Commission co-funded the further 3R developments through its applied research and market/user oriented development programmes. The company coordinated & key technology designed multiple international RTD programs in the specific field of carbon refinery, phosphorus recovery and high added value utilization of un-exploited biomass resources. The unique 3R development is successfully completed, proven field demonstrated and ready for market uptake/commercialization. 3R is the only one vendor in Europe with core specialization and specific industrial/market knowledge for concentrated Phosphorus recovery from food grade animal bones for organic fertilizers/adsorbents. https://www.BoPhosphate.net  https://nutriman.net/farmer-platform/product/id_192  https://nutriman.net/farmer-platform/technology/id_193


Recherche de partenaires

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Commercial cooperation searched for deployment of innovative fertilizers

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High nutrient dense Phosphorus fertiliser recovery

Type de partenariat
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+ 2

Industrial, commerical and investment partners searched

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