

Société | France

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Wavely is a start-up specialized in acoustics. Making sense of noise is what we do. With our acoustic sensors, we “listen” to infrastructures or industrial machines and we aim to tell if they are working properly or have a malfunction, for instance a leak in a gas pipeline.

Wavely was created on 27th of april 2017 by Nicolas Côté, acoustician, Alexis Vlandas, CNRS researcher and Marion Aubert, with the support of Euratechnologies (incubator) and LMI Innovation (80 000€ 0% loan)

The research on the sensor technology began in 2014 through an academic research project.

Wavely is engaged in a co-maturation programme with SATT Nord and raised 600K€ with Finovam, Fira and Bpifrance in december 2017.

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