


Onglets principaux

À propos de votre organisation / profil

Optimizing fleet management and exchanging resources have never been considered as solutions to travel business issues.

Although travel agencies can opt for using their network to effectively use their resources with reduced costs, there has never been a solution that ends the persisting suffering of fleet management. Smek’s introduces a cloud-based solution endowed with specific software to manage and share all the ground services and resources of the travel business.
Mohamed Ben Hammed, Smek’s founder, was a travel agency founder who had gone through the painful daily problems of the business. His background in touristic studies at IHET (Institut des Hautes Études Touristiques) and his degree in Marketing & hospitality management have helped him secure the position of treasurer and general secretary of the local federation of travel agencies. Being a professional tour guide for over 16 years and holding the position of fleet and ground service manager for two years gave him the best understanding of the field’s pain points.

After improving the overall platform and working on the additional features, the outcome ensured centralizing all ground services & resources through an updated database of various fleets (buses, minivans, jeeps..etc), professionals and experts ( experienced drivers, professional tour guides, fleet managers, etc),  tours, shuttles. 


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