
Singularity Ltd.

Société | Suisse

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A propos de votre organisation

Singularity Ltd is a medical device company based in Zürich and founded in 2012 by Mr. Werner Dubach and Mr. Fabio Hausammann, shareholders of Singularity AG, which is focused on the research and development of Supraglottic Airway Device (SAD); a more efficient airway seal and safer gastric access and protection from aspiration used for the delivery of the majority of anaesthetics and airway management during surgery.

Our team is composed of a highly experienced and qualified team, and has cooperated with Prof. Dr. med. Markus Weiss (head of the anaesthesiologist unit at the University Children’s Hospital in Zürich who has extensive experience with airway devices), and the collaboration of Schulthess Klinik (Zürich).


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