
Sea4Us - Biotecnologia e Recursos Marinhos, Lda.

Société | Portugal


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Sea4Us is a biotechnological company focused on the research, development and innovation of novel pharmaceutical medications of marine origin for unmet clinical needs through its core expertise in marine biology and neurophysiology.

One of the problem that we are trying to solve is chronic pain. Chronic pain is a global problem that affects 1 in 5 people and for which there is currently no adequate solution.

Our focus are non-opioid analgesics that are currently under preclinical development.  Our two molecules act through a novel mode of action based on a particular potassium ion channel.

Efficacy was demonstrated in several rat-pain models, mainly in chronic but also (less efficient) in acute pain.  Pain mitigation responses was found when compound was administrated Intravenously (IV) in the following models:  Post-operative trauma, Monoarthritic inflammatory pain, Painful diabetic neuropathy, Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, Orofacial pain and Visceral Pain.

No signs of any toxicity among different insitu, exvivo and invivo data. Special attention has been given to cardiotoxicity given the MoA.

No side effects have been identified until now.

Since Sea4Us out-licenses products during their development to large pharmaceutical companies, it has a shorter time to market than if it continued drug development until commercialization to the final consumers. As such, our TRL's drugs are higher than those of larger pharmaceutical companies: TRL6.

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