Your Cyber Security Partner

Pwn & Patch

Société | Tunis, Tunisie

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Pwn & Patch was established on March 2021 with a mission to protect businesses and organizations from the ever-increasing threat of cyber attacks. We provide a cutting-edge threat intelligence solution that combines real-time data analysis, advanced machine learning, and human expertise to deliver unparalleled insights and protection against emerging data breaches and advanced malicious actors.

Our threat intel solution 'Oktoboot', monitors a vast array of sources, including the deep and dark web, and provides continuous updates on the latest breaches and vulnerabilities that could potentially impact our clients' systems. By combining this intelligence with our advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, we are able to provide our clients with a comprehensive and up-to-date view of the cyber threat landscape and a full vision about their attack surface.

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