Pinovo - Clean Blasting

Pinovo AS

Société | Bergen, Norvège

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Pinovo's clean blasting solution was developed to provide both sustainability and industrial advantages to customers. By delivering a dust free work environment, it stops Paint Microplastic Emissions entering the Environment, lowers CO2 emissions, and improves the working conditions of operators.

Pinovo's operational team is based in Bergen, Norway, and delivers our clean vacuum blasting surface treatment solution (i.e. removing old paint and rust before repainting an object) to customers directly in Scandinavia, and through distributors in the UK, Benelux, France and the Caribbean. We rent and sell our patented technology.

To shine a light on the scale of the problem, Pinovo mandated science based, data driven research to quantify global Paint Microplastic Leakage. That research by EA-Environmental Action was published in February, 2022, found that Paint is in fact the biggest source of Ocean Microplastics....by far.

As we like to remind people, "Paint is Plastic!".

This has been taken on board by the EU Commission and they are now studying possible regulatory solutions for Microplastic Emissions. The Pew Charitable Trusts have recently published an article confirming Paint as the largest source of Microplastics in the Environment.

In addition to delivering quantifiable, material sustainability impact, Pinovo's solution is also achieving commercial traction. The company reached break-even in 2022, and plans to raise capital in 2023 to scale the operation.


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