
PAL-V International BV

Société | Pays-Bas


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

PAL-V International B.V. is launching the first flying car in the world.

Having designed and patented their findings and concepts in 2007, PAL-V International B.V. hired a team of very skilled engineers with automotive, aviation and motorcycle backgrounds and started the engineering of its proof-of-concept prototypes. World-class partners were selected and contracted for several system elements. This led to the start of flight and drive testing of PAL-V International B.V.’s proof-of-concept prototype in 2012. It proofed feasibility but also certifiability within existing regulations.

Since then the company entered the next phase of development, engineering the first commercial version, the PAL-v Liberty. This now will result in the market launch of the first model very soon: the PAL-V Liberty: the first, exclusive, limited, historic edition in its line-up of flying car models. The order book is growing with both privat enad public customers. (Police, First Aid, border controll, etc.).The next chapter in the history of mobility is being written, by PAL-V International B.V., today!

In parallel PAL-V is creating a consortium to launch a airtaxi product based on it spatented design and certification capabilities for teh Urban Air Mobility market that is emerging. 

 PAL-V has over 75 employees. It has four regional  sales offices: Switzerland for EU, Kuala Lumpur for Asia, Vancouver for North America and in the gulf for the GCC countries.

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agent, flightschool

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