
P4ML Ltd

Société |

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

P4 Medical Laboratory is Ireland’s first ever precision medicine company. We aim to revolutionise the way we think about health by promoting the maintenance of wellness and the prevention of disease.

• Our Vision is one of collective health intelligence through the building of a global medical community, where data and knowledge is shared.

• Our Mission supports connectivity of clinicians and data sharing in order to inform, empower and transform health and wellness.

P4 refers to precision medicine which provides Predictive, Preventive, Personalised and Participative information, allowing for the creation of a unique and personalised medical pathway for each individual. Our objective is to make genetic testing and genome sequencing an integral element in mainstream healthcare.

This, along with a MultiOMICS approach, will deliver a more targeted approach in dealing with potential DNA mutations. Our goal is to provide new possibilities and actionable insights to improve the lives of patients.

According to the World Health Organisation 1 in 6 women develop complications that threaten her or her baby’s life. Every 2 minutes a mother dies from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth. Every minute around the world 250 babies are born. 29 of these are born too early; sadly 5 are stillborn, and 5 more die of complications.





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