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Waste management is a critical and growing problem worldwide. The Thermo-Mechanical Cracking Process (TMCP) is a new, clean, more efficient and flexible technology than any other, that converts waste into a high quality synthetic biofuel equivalent to diesel fossil fuel used in internal combustion engines. It contributes significantly to reduction of landfilling and encourages energy independence. The disruptive innovation is the cost-effectiveness of a TMCP plant, together with the potential of becoming a diesel fuel provider and a key agent of environmental clean-up. A TMCP plant, besides eliminating a very high percentage of waste in a given area, operates as a small local bio-refinery. TMCP presents numerous advantages over actual waste treatment and disposal systems.

Our team put the focus on how to reintroduce waste in the economic cycle (Circular Economy), treating it locally – next to where it is generated- and extending its life-cycle by producing (TMCP) a synthetic fuel for transportation which can be destined to local markets, providing local energy sovereignty and supplier security, avoiding the carbon intensive lifecycle of conventional fossil fuels. 

The TMCP´s disruptive technology presents numerous advantages over other waste treatment and disposal systems. Removes a broad range of waste. Its investment cost is lower than most of its competitors. The sub-end products are not contaminated. It is energy self-sufficient. 

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