
Just Me Technologies

Société | France

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

We believe in a world where customers and companies are finally able to consider transparency and trust as non-negotiable aspects of their relations.


EU regulators share the same belief and designed General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with the primary objective of giving control back to users over their personal data.


Change is not always easy and compliance may results a difficult task for companies, especially for SMEs.


Just Me is a web-based platform helping users to easily access and manage their personal data, while supporting companies in their path toward higher transparency and GDPR compliance.


We act as a bridge to access information where they are already stored without gathering data in a single storage system. Users can access data companies have on them and easily take actions (such as amend / delete / transfer data), while organizations can improve transparency, customer relationship and prove compliance to data protection laws.

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