Happy Hours Market
Onglets principaux
À propos de votre organisation / profil
HAPPY HOURS MARKET. An innovative logistics & software solution to fight food waste.
More than 500 tons of food are wasted every day at Belgian supermarkets, whereas 12.7% of the population is at risk of poverty. The startup offers a new distribution network to prevent surplus food from supermarkets & wholesalers from being thrown away. In concrete terms :
1) Unsold products from retailers are collected on a daily basis,
2) The products are centralized, sorted and sold at half price via a mobile app,
3) Orders are delivered to customers at pick up points.
The organisation is ready to scale as there is an increasing demand from every stakeholders.
Recherche de partenaires
Voir les informations détailléesRevalorisation d'invendus alimentaires
Réseau (1)
Activités récentes

Happy Hours Market a mis hors ligne une levée de fond levée de fonds.