
Flex Hex IVS

Société | Danemark

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Flex  Hex specializes in the development and commercialization of a special type of holding tool for robots in manufacturing companies. To manufacture items, it requires a way of fixing the itemsthose must be fixed on holding tool. With current processes, tThe holding tool is specifically designed to the specific item, as it has to keep the item in a precise position during the manufacturing process. (for assembly or welding for example). Then, it the holding tool has to be changed every time a new item has to be manufactured due to the new geometry of the item.

Our innovative holding tool called hexapod, as it has 6 degrees of freedom (it can be moved in x,y,z direction and rotation on each axleaxis), introduces increases significantly flexibility in production processes. for holding tool as inIn combination with production robots, the holding tool can be redesigned on the fly, it allows to design the holding tool directly by moving the hexapods to a new position, allowing thefor manufacturing of a new item.

The target group for our solution is production companies with batch or line production, where changes and switching in production requires new holding tool arrangements with high precision, for ex. fori.e.  the production of cars, aircraft, trains, engines, gearboxes, frames and alike in need of assembly, construction and welding.

Our solution provides the ability to adapt and configure precisely to the specific needs and desired position of set up in production.



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