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FERAGAME deals with the treatment and recovery of Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in a plant with a total area of ​​4.000 square meters located in Broni, in the Northern Italian province of Pavia. Our Company stands as a reference point for the application of the WEEE legislation, guaranteeing the correct fulfilment of legal obligations for what concern the WEEE withdrawal procedures, transportation, recycling and treatment of equipment come to the end of life. Our clients, that are the producers member of the Collective System in charge of WEEE management, can benefit the optimization of economic resources allowed by our activity and processes, in total compliance with environmental legislation requirements. Our company is authorized to conduct storage and treatment of WEEE of maximum 14,000 tons / year, belonging to groupings R3 (TV / Monitor), R4 (mixed Electronics) and R5 (Light Sources) damaged or unused, both from households and businesses. WEEE arrive in our plant from the collection centres present in the region, and we are licensed also to transport hazardous electronic waste for a maximum of 3,000 tons / year. 

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