A propos de votre organisation

Founded in 2016, Fair & Smart is a French B2B SaaS company dedicated to delivering the best Privacy UX.

As a specialist in personal data governance, our solutions help private companies and public organizations deal with the visible part of privacy compliance:

 - Consent and Preference Management ("Right Consents" - labeled PrivacyTech AFNOR Certification 2020, Gartner’s Market Guide 12/2020),

- Subject Right Requests Automation ("Right Requests" – Gartner’s Market Guide 07/2020), 

- Personal Data Transfers ("Right Data" - under development).

Designed, developed and hosted in France, Fair & Smart solutions aim to restore trust between individuals and organizations thanks to more transparency and control left to the data subjects.

As a pioneer of Human-centric data, Fair & Smart is currently developing an interoperable personal data operator service, which allows on-demand, secure, compliant and user-consented personal data exchanges. 

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