Onglets principaux
À propos de votre organisation / profil
- esThera(TM) surveillance system consists of a personal biosensor, a mobile personal hub, softwares and artificial intelligence, bluetooth and mobile telecoms, a secured cloud, and unique patient and hospital apps
- the personal hub is cybersafe unlike smartphones, and only anonymous data flow through the system; patient needs a tablet/smartphone, and one simple PC and the internet are necessary for hospital to follow up thousands of patients
- nothing like a umpteenth smartphone app, it is an integrated system which induces new practices and a high-volume new market
- timing is ideal for esThera as new facts in 2017 help create awareness of the need for continuous monitoring of patient data that has long been ETIC-Systems's visionary approach:
- online tool for reporting symptoms is associated with benefits including improved quality of life and longer overall survival, and proactive symptom monitoring should be considered the new standard of care (American Society of Clinical Oncology)
- discovery of the molecular mechanisms controlling circadian rhythm (NOBEL Prize) which have implications for cancer prevention and treatment
- recognizing the importance of circadian processes in cancer development and patient outcomes (US National Cancer Institute)
- esThera unique selling proposition is of interest already to potential hospital customers and to healthcare industry, and a network of future early adopters develops, while competitive landscape is in early infancy
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