

Société |

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Digitalilusion is a technological consultancy which has the expertise to develop ideas and technological projects since 2011.

What type of business solutions can we offer?

We offer web development, e-commerce solutions, mobile App development, IoT prototyping and much more. We have a lot of experience in cutting-edge technological development not only for each phase of your start-up, but also of your large company.

The most avant-garde tools which allow us to create projects that are very demanding in time, flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness, are: Flutter, Git, HTML5, etc.

Thanks to Outbarriers, our flagship project in accessibility, we discovered that in addition to the physical world, the digital world was, and is, inaccessible too. Since then, every project that we develop is accessible for everyone.

The most revolutionary invention for the blind since the stick is the smartphone. We took advantage of this and the emergence of IoT and iBeacon technology. The result was our own beacon device and an App with accessibility as Value. We have succeeded in making traditional small business visible not only for blind people, but also for many seers in Madrid and Granada.






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