

Société | Danemark

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

CrediWire is a Copenhagen based FinTech with impressive traction in the Nordics and Germany. We are rolling out our service with some of the largest banks in each market and helping them with: 

1) Reduce their opex (though work-flow optimization)

2) Reduce risk on loans (early warnings and better data for credit assessment) 

3) Increase sales, and 

4) Improve their capital management. 


TAM for Europe on our services is €4Bn in annual revenue.


What CrediWire does

CrediWire collects financial data historically and in real-time on SMEs (e.g. bookkeeping data). Based on the data we are collecting, we are building a date-cube, that today has more than 250,000,000 data points. While servicing the banks, we are collecting an enormous amount of data, we will provide future services on.


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