

Société | Israël

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Ceretrieve is developing novel product for treating iscemic stroke to improve the stroke patient clinical outcomes by opening the brain vessel and restore the blood flow in rapid and safe endovascular procedures. 

Cerertrieve's next-generation aspiration catheter with integrated embolic protection will  improve ischemic stroke patient clinical outcomes and reduce disabilities  by making neurothrombectomy procedures efficient, rapid and safe, with the catheter’s proprietary large bore funnel and closure tip. will securely remove all blood clot types in the brai, from first pass, and prevet distal embolization in simple and rapid procedure.

the company was founded on January 2017, and had achived successful functionla prototype, tested in animal model- pigs, and showed safety and proof of concept. in addition the product showed superior performances in aspirating all types of blood clots (including hard clots), and prevented emboli release when tested in brain silicon model at the "New England stroke research center" at UMASS medical school, Boston. 

Differentiating Product Characteristics

·All-in-one system (flow control, aspiration catheter, and embolic protection system).

·Aspirates all clot types (enhanced aspiration power)

·Superior embolic protection (proximal and distal)

·Low-profile flexible delivery system

·Strong IP (key attributes protected by patent)

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