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Société | Norvège

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CC-FEED, a blue biotechnology company founded in 2014, aims to positively disrupt the aquaculture sector by improving survival, growth, quality and carbon footprint of marine farmed fish species. Copepods are small crustaceans (zooplankton), widely recognised as the optimal early-stage feed in aquaculture, the fastest-growing animal-food-producing sector with an estimated value of €220B. Based on 16 years of pre-commercial R&D, C-FEED is the only company globally to successfully master the challenge of controlled copepod production. C-FEED owns unique technologies and processes for (i) production of microalgae (copepod feed), (ii) copepod breeding, (iii) collection, disinfection and storage of copepod eggs and (iv) water quality and microbial control. The fully controlled closed-cycle results in a high-level of biosecurity and consistently high-quality product, with additional co-benefits to ensure a resource-efficient, competitive and sustainable aquaculture sector. C-FEED have constructed a pilot plant and increased production to 190B copepod eggs in 2019, resulting in a turnover of €1M. Demand currently outweighs production capacity and is a barrier to realise the company’s growth potential and ambition to be a major disruptor and enabler of global aquaculture. C-FEED aims to build on and commercialise its research and development to accelerate a sustainable blue future.


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