
Blue Ocean Watch


Onglets principaux

À propos de votre organisation / profil

Climate change is putting coral’s future in danger along with the millions of species
that inhabit the reefs and the half a billion people who rely on reef fish for food. The
warming of the ocean has led to coral bleaching and the destruction of coral habitats
all across the planet.
Fisheries depend on the
reefs for 25-40% of the catch globally. Coral reefs are places for fish to breed,
feed, grow, and live.
And, coral reefs absorb an average of 97 per cent of wave energy and therefore
naturally protect coasts from storms and tropical cyclones by reducing the impact of
large waves before they reach the shore. Every year, eco-tourists spend over $30
billion in tourism dollars visiting coral reefs and the communities that surround them.

We are a strategic partner of UNESCO’s technology and educational outreach
division, giving us unprecedented access to key resources needed to battle
our oceans’ decline. BOW is collaborating with the Wallacea Foundation to document the work of more than 3,000 scientists and students
deployed to more than 250 sites around the world. This gives us incredible
reach and a built-in network of deployed scientists, actively working on reef
restoration around the world.

For 50,000.00€ per year the sponsor can choose a
50metre section of reef that they wish to restore.

The sponsor will then have a live video camera placed on
their section of the reef with a live link to a TV monitor
in their boardroom, office or home.

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