

Société | Gent, Belgique


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Avecom (Ghent, Belgium) is an innovative SME focused on controlling and optimizing microbial processes. The company was established 27 years ago as a spin-out from the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at Ghent University.


Avecom develops microbial (fermentation) processes for the sustainable production of ingredients such as proteins for use in food and animal feed. Avecom is also specialized in developing products and solutions for the circular and biobased economy and within the field of environmental technology (water / soil / air).


Projects range from lab-scale exploratory research to large-scale and international research and development projects. We are also responsible for the upscaling to industrial production of various microbial processes. For this, Avecom has its own fully equipped laboratories and various pilot set-ups, including fully automated fermenters.

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