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Société | France




Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

  • Our observation is that investing in real estate in a simple, fun, transparent and liquid way is difficult.
  • Millennials do not necessarily recognize themselves in the investment products offered and find difficulty in managing their personal finances.
  • Thanks to fractional investing and blockchain, it is now possible to invest from small tickets while benefiting from community benefits, rewards and governance in particular.
  • It is a growing market, and there are platforms developing in the United States, which leaves room for a European player. (Our competitor Arrived just raised €35M from top investors like Bezos and Forerunner and HoneyBricks is joining the YC)
  • I think that with our very complementary team, with a common vision and present in France and Portugal, we have all the keys to develop a leading company in this field and that the timing is good!
  • Already great traction before the official launch and some media interviews: https://lepetitjournal.com/vivre-a-lisbonne/adrien-hardy-financer-ses-reves-aventure-grace-immobilier-337264

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