
Accreditation@SG Digital

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À propos du label

The Accreditation@SG Digital (Accreditation@SGD) programme was launched in July 2014 to:

1. Accredit promising and innovative Singapore-based high-growth ICM product companies to establish credentials and position them as qualified contenders to government and large enterprise buyers.

2. Provide buyers with the assurance of the SG:D accredited companies’ product core functionalities and ability to deliver.

3. Build an innovative technopreneur ecosystem to drive jobs creation and economic growth, build more innovative tech products companies that are internationally competitive.


To date, 27 local-based companies offering a varied of innovative tech products have been accredited and more companies are currently undergoing the accreditation process. The accreditation process and increased business traction also increase the attractiveness for growth capital investment by changing the risk reward ratio for investors.


Over S$200 million* worth of Government and enterprise project opportunities have been created for accredited companies. Of which, more than 270 projects have been awarded.


To-date, over S$100 million* of new growth capital has been invested in 15 of our companies during or after accreditation.

[*Info updated as of July 2018]


For more information, visit www.imda.gov.sg/accreditation.

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