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A propos de votre organisation

WaterView is a young and dynamic company that develops services for the collection and analysis of Big Data in the field of hydro-meteorology. Founded in 2015 as a spinoff company of Politecnico di Torino, WaterView is currently hosted by I3P, the Innovative Enterprise Incubator of Politecnico di Torino. The founders of WaterView are also the inventors of the IR2 technology for the measurement of rainfall through the use of images.

In 2016 we won a SME Instrument Phase 1 grant and received a seed investment of 0.5 M€ from Club degli Investitori (Italy). Full demonstrators with surveillance cameras running IR2 are ongoing in Italy, Germany, Singapore, Denmark and Sweden. IR2 adaptation to process images from smartphones are under development. In 2017 we started generating revenues.

WaterView will launch a product for surveillance cameras in October 2017 during the Meteorological Technology World Expo, and in Q4 2017 we’ll announce our services for smartphones. To finalize our solution for the mobile platform and cover until 2020 the business
development costs to introduce our services on both fixed and mobile cameras, we’re searching for a 800k € round. We’re searching for both strategic partners in the mobile industry and venture capital.

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