
Tethis SpA

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A propos de votre organisation

Tethis SpA is a privately held company focused on bio and nanotechnology fields to develop and commercialize In Vitro Diagnostic devices. At this time the main application field is FISH (Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization) assays, with microFIND® product line and the autoFIND equipment used to automate the tests with this new miniaturized device.
Our mission is to become a solution provider leader for In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) devices development and production. We develop, design, manufacture, sale, install and provide for the maintenance of medical devices for ISH assays. Tethis is accomplishing this mission through its internal R&D, proprietary technologies and product development capabilities. Tethis technological and scientific background is based on nanomaterials (visit www.tethis-nanotech.com), biotechnology and microfluidics .

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