

Société | France

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

See through the matter. This is what Teratonics offers to the industry for the reduction of its poor-quality costs and the optimisation of its processes.

Teratonics markets an innovative non-destructive testing and imaging solution based on ultrafast terahertz (THz) pulses. This technology can perform 3D measurements and detect defects in 100% of the production in the Factory 4.0. It can also reduce downtime during smart maintenance operations. Teratonics STRIPP Control reveals the invisible in many non-conductive materials (e.g.: plastics, composites, ceramics…), is safe for operators (no X-rays), contactless, rapid, and immune to environmental fluctuations (vibrations, light, wifi…). It can control components, assemblies and coatings including their thickness.

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