
Silicon Radar GmbH

Société | Allemagne


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Silicon Radar's vision is to become a world's leading provider of high-end low-cost RF-chips (MMICs) for a broad spectrum of established and emerging sensor applications – robotics, automation, quadrocopter (UAVs), process industry, security and surveillance technology.

Civil radar applications are going to enter mass markets. Only low-cost RF-chips with excellent technical parameters will enable the breakthrough of high-volume applications. Today we are able to deliver ready to use products operating at 24GHz and 120GHz in volume.


Our competitive advantage consists of a unique combination of


  • in sum over 65 years of expertise in SiGe-RF-design,
  • our access to a world's leading SiGe technology,
  • our extensive pool of available products and proofed circuit blocks and
  • a deep profound knowledge of industrial standards.


Since 2007 Silicon Radar provides fabless ASIC design services using a world's leading SiGe technology.

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