

Société | France




Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

The idea was born in 2015 following a report of the united nations. The study underlined 3 facts : 

- the lack of sustainable protein to feed fishes&poultry in a context of rising demand owed to an increasing global population and the emergence of new middle classes 

- the potential of the insects to be part of the solution

- the increasing amount of unvalorized organic byproducts along the food chain

We decided to close the loop using the larvae of the black soldier fly (Hermetia Illucens), to turn organic waste into high quality protein. 

The company was created in 2016 by Maxime Baptistan, Bastien Quinnez (Toulouse Business School) and Phd Christiane Azagoh (AgroParisTech). 

Protifly has gone through 3 stages : 

- lab phase (2016-2018) 

- Pilot phase (3m€ capex) 

- commercial & industrial phase : since 2021 

Protifly looks for a new partner to finance its industrial scale up, for which it was granted 2.3 m€ from the government after being labeled as a strategic company. Closing : Q4 2022.

Contact : b.quinnez@protifly.com

Main shareholders : FAMAE IMPACT (famae.earth) ; Nouvelle-Aquitaine Co-investissement (aquiti.fr/nos-solutions/naco/) ; Operationnal support : redstart.fr


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