

Société | Tunisie

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

LoDeep is an international online co-studying space that helps students feel less alone, eliminate distractions and be held accountable by finding and studying with other students.

Other services include:

- Networking with international students.

- Free studying resources from all over the world.

and more!


STARTUP ACT LABEL: ✔️ 2nd cohort of the Westerwelle Startup Haus acceleration program (2021): ✔️


Email: lodeepstartup@gmail.com


Facebook: https://bit.ly/30WQmEN

Youtube: https://bit.ly/2GbZ3DH

Instagram: https://bit.ly/3iTrDah

Twitter: https://bit.ly/3nEFm8Q

Medium: https://bit.ly/30c9m1v

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