

Société | Suisse

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

INVOLI is an automatic guardrail of the sky, enabling drones to automatically avoid aircraft when on a collision course, especially in the lower air space (even <150m). There, the current radars covering Switzerland are blind in most low-altitude areas, because the signals from airplanes are stopped by mountains or buildings, thus leaving both drones and aircraft unable to sense the danger other than visually. Therefore, we collect the currently missing air traffic data and send it to drones, so they can be empowered to become fully autonomous. This data is acquired by a network of scaled-down Micro Control Towers (MCT), spread to fully cover any given territory in a capillary and comprehensive manner, in partnership with infrastructure companies (TLC). Such information is shared over the dedicated INVOLI online platform available to our clients, as to permit situational awareness, automatic collision avoidance and safe air traffic management. The creation of a system allowing autonomous drone flight has the potential to change the world, while guaranteeing a safe, smart and efficient use of the sky.

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