

Société | Pays-Bas

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

IBIS Power is an award-winning company providing revolutionary and innovative renewable energy solutions with highest impact to society. Our motto is “Redesigning Renewable Energy”, as we take state-of-the-art technology and transform it into solutions with added value towards a resilient future bringing human life style in balance with nature. IBIS Power developed already three products addressing the markets of high-rise buildings (PowerNEST), temporary use at festival events (PowerVibes), and a post-disaster portable energy module (PowerReponse).

PowerNEST is the breakthrough technology being the first and only solution able to generate 6 times more energy on the limited space of high-rise building roofs than the current solar panel applications. With a single roof addition containing an integrated structure of solar and wind energy with a Venturi effect, PowerNEST is able to generate the electric energy for up to 14 building levels of existing and new constructions at even lower energy pricing than the current grid cost. PowerNEST integrates with the building architecture, named the crown on the building by renowned architects, and was announced most innovative technology with highest impact for society by companies and governments in several countries.


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