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Green Oil

Société | Lettonie

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Raw materials are used lube oils and slop oils: fuel mixture collected in sea oil tankers onboard after each tank operation carrying diesel, petrol, oleochemicals as a cleaning and pipe residues, as well as unconditional fuel mixtures from refining plants. Area of action is Baltic countries and Baltic Sea ports.

          Established special technology is existing. Physico-chemical treatment and elimination of sulfur and other unwanted impurities is performed. Derived materials are suitable for further blending into low sulfur fuels with less than 10 ppm according to EN590 for diesel fuel and Group II + for base oils. By adding necessary additives into base oils new fuels and lube oils international meeting standards will be produced. To fuel oil, gasoline, motor, transmission, hydraulic and industrial oils. The recycling process does not create new pollution. EU regulations require recycling as a preferable way which also applies to the Baltic States.

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