

Société | France


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Created in 2014, Glowee is a biotech start-up that plans on disrupting the lighting system as it is today, inducing a urban revolution to come from artificial to natural, sustainable lighting. We work on bioluminescence, a natural ability from wildlife such as fireflies, glow-worms, and more than 80% of marine organisms. Our goal is to offer the cities of tomorrow an alternative solution to artificial, classic mancraft lighting.

To achieve this ambition, we work on democratizing our beautiful light through different channels : we recently launched a wellness indoor experience offer to help stressed citizens to relax and reconnect rapidly to Nature.

Our diversified team of designers, biologists, business developers,.. combines skills to be able to adress complex and numerous partners : cities, local governments, operators and builders, actors of the wellness and tourisms sectors,...

Please contact us for further information ! 

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