

Société | Ghana


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Grow For Me is a web based Agricultural crowdfunding platform that funds farmers to scale and grow more crops, using the income received from interested sponsors. Sponsors would make a fair profit when crops are sold to our accredited offtaker partners or on the Ghana Commodity Exchange. We are addressing SDG 1 and 2 by creating wealth and contributing to food stability particularly in the rural communities where mass urban migration is having a detrimental impact on the agricultural food chain, by ridding it of essential labour force particularly during this pandemic. By incorporating crop insurance, working with professional agronomists, and utilising drone / satellite imagery to create data analytics, we provide leading edge feedback to sponsors and farm managers. This instills confidence in sponsors who can see real-time results, and supports farmers to maximise yields and increase their profits.


Recherche de partenaires

Voir les informations détaillées

Large Off-takers

Type de partenariat
Objet du partenariat

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