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A propos de votre organisation

FruitsApp is an Intelligent B2B Marketplace adapted for Fresh Produce Industry. Thanks to our bots and algorithms, we connect the companies of this sector based on their needs and interests.
We give visibility to all companies, even if their are small. We connect the suppliers directly with the right demand, streamlining the trading process avoiding intermediaries and helping companies to reduce their waste.

We have  created this intelligent tool that is breaking the rules of the common marketplace: in a common marketplace, sellers publish the offers and need to wait till someone ask for buying. We are talking about perishables! In this sector, sellers can't stay waiting till someone ask for buying, and we have created a bidirectional marketplace that allow sellers to be proactive, they can see in real time and globally, which companies are looking for their products, and they can send offers to all this companies with a simple click through the marketplace, offers taht are sent to a target of potential customers willing to buy their goods, increasing the odds of success.

We also provide selling prices in real time (Stock Market mode) on wholesaler markets, showing tendencies that help these companies to optimize their trading decisions.


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