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Dofren srl

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DOFREN was founded in 1996 as a family company with roots in the nord-east of Italy near Manzano (Udine), historic worldwide capital for the manufacture and production of chairs. Dofren, a pioneer in the field of guided relaxation, under the supervision of physiotherapists and industry experts develops convenient and effective solutions to get rid of stress in minutes, releasing muscle tension and restoring elasticity to the spine thanks to the revolutionary patented system Kinetic Wellness Waves. DOFREN offers innovative guided relaxation solutions tailored on three kind of clients' needs: health sector, wellness sector, private sector. Within the healthcare sector, DOFREN develops rehabilitation solutions to support physicians and healthcare workers in diagnosis, monitoring and manage muscle, skeletal, circulatory diseases. 

The project JUMPAIR will benefit a large number of patients who has suffered decubitus ulcers or they are running the risk to suffer it by remotely monitor ulcers biomarkers to improve early diagnoses, treatment and providing alerts at critical situations through the adoption of smart relevant ICT solutions for the health, well-being and well-ageing of patients. The final product will contribute to prevent ulcerations and to improve healthcare expenditure containment avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations and therapeutic treatments. 

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