

Société | Portugal

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

C2C-NewCap is a Portuguese hybrid supercapacitor developer, focusing on innovative, eco-friendly energy storage technologies. 

C2C-NewCap seeks to accelerate the ongoing energy transition by introducing aqueous hybrid supercapacitors for high-power applications, developed to make an efficient use of energy with lower environmental costs. Our goal is to provide a safe and reliable engine starting system for trucks that, at the same time, allows for a significant reduction in Pb usage, in non-renewable fossil fuel consumption and in CO2 emissions for the transportation industry. Contributing to a new solution that allows the EU to take the lead on drastically cutting the use of Pb-based batteries while, at the same time, a new business is created, is a fascinating idea. We see it as a historical landmark for society and the way we use materials to facilitate our lives. Should our mission succeed, Pb-based batteries for starting engines will progressively join the list of no-longer-used-solutions based on dangerous materials: mercury, cadmium, asbestos, arsenic, etc. This is the real fuel for our motivation.

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