
Biomedical Bonding AB

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A propos de votre organisation

Biomedical Bonding AB (BMB) is a Swedish MedTech company that develops cutting-edge adhesives and novel surgical methodologies with focus on the ever-growing market of hard tissue repair. BMB’s business concept is based on the current unmet needs and relies on products with added value to overcome the current pain points in today’s bone fracture surgery and dental restorations. BMB is introducing a unique technology platform, Bonevolent®, based on a novel category of adhesive resin-composites with focus on biocompatibility, tissue-friendliness and high mechanical strength. The structural similarities between bone and teeth and the consensus of the necessary device properties for the two repair disciplines enable the potential for BMB’s technology platform to enter two multi-billion dollar markets. BMB’s innovative adhesive technology is founded on the need from clinical end-users who have expressed their wish for better alternatives to current implants. 

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