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Bioeder Technology S.L.

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A propos de votre organisation

Bioeder Technology, S.L., is a technology based company dedicated to the extraction, purification and concentration of milk proteins from raw milk. We have detected a need in the dairy industry from yogurt and cheese producers to manage milk production seasonality, as well as a dependence on the casein protein supply as an ingredient for their products.

Listening to our client’s requests and demands, we have come up with a business opportunity that would imply a completely new model for the milk industry, named MILKEDER. Our process for milk-cracking will satisfy the yogurt and cheese industry needs, while fitting seamlessly with our activity of production and exploitation of high quality and innovative food ingredients. This new model consists in the treatment of raw milk selling different protein and non-protein ingredients to the dairy and other food industries, overcoming the demand-supply problem and the need of very specific ingredients for infant formulas and new food products.

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