
AW-Energy Oy

Société | Finlande


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

AW-Energy Oy is a pioneer in the green economy and a global leader in wave energy technology, which provides significant added value in the transition to cleaner and more sustainable renewable energy provision.

Its flagship product, WaveRoller®, is the world’s first certified and demonstrated commercial‐scale wave energy converter unit that is submerged near-shore and works on the principle of an innovative hinged panel that is attached to the seabed. It generates electricity from the movement of the waves (surge phenomenon) and is installed close to shore to support and compliment onshore renewable energy generation with local, regional or national power grid connections.

The device can also support a reduction in costs of desalination and green hydrogen production, due to the profile of the energy produced and the integrated storage within the WaveRoller unit.


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