
2VizCon GmbH

Société | Allemagne

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

2VizCon GmbH is a fast growing software company with offices in Frankfurt and London. 2VizCon is a B2B cloud platform for the digitalization of business processes. 2VizCon is used by companies in Europe, the US and Australia. 2VizCon allows the easy development, deployment and mangement of mobile enterprise applications in sales, operations, knowledge management, reporting and marketing. Built for the user, not the screen, 2VizCon secures a high adoption rate by providing immersive user experience. 2VizCon is used as bolt-on solution with API connection to CRM, ERP, BI, DAM, CMS or as frontend-only solution. 2VizCon is Fortune 500-approved and offers a unique user interface approach based on an innovative proprietary software infrastructure. 2VizCon powers digital transformation and helps companies to leverage the full potential of data and mobile technology for increased business success. 

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